Denver, CO
America/Denver - MDT
Contact the event coordinator
if your company is interested in sponsoring this event.
Now more than ever, we need to connect with people!
In order to build your business, you need to BUILD your network. You need to NURTURE your network. We need to stay connected and lift each other up.
MyFirestorm Chapters are designed with one goal in mind; to help you grow your business! This group is focused specifically on Business to Business.
Join us for this meeting where we can connect, learn about each other and our businesses, and figure out how we can help each other not only survive, but thrive through this unprecedented experience.
Our chapter is actively looking for members representing the following Professions/ Businesses:
NOTE: Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Also, contact me right away if you still need to meet remotely:
Registration is first come first serve. Sign up now before Boulder B2B Guest Day runs out of seats!
Denver, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
We are a high quality B2B networking organization dedicated to helping you identify your ideal strategic partners and facilitate the relationship building process.