Have you ever struggled with the best way to make an introduction between two people?
Or perhaps you were looking forward to being introduced to someone only to be totally disappointed with the introducer’s lack of enthusiasm, attention to detail in the intro or even worse, their lack of a relationship with the people they were introducing?
Well, this post should help assuage your desire for more clarity in both of the aforementioned situations.
Are We There Yet
First of all, let’s make sure you are at the correct juncture for either making or receiving an introduction.
If you are the middle man, or the introducer, do you know both parties well enough to make the intro? Will your introduction carry any weight or is it the equivalent of the recipients’ cold calling each other? Also, do you trust the parties to follow up, to treat the other with respect and to do an amazing job if they were to do business together? If not, STOP! Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200!
If you are the recipient of an introduction, do you feel like you have a good relationship with the introducer? Will you go out of your way to make time for their contact? After all, the way you act will ultimately reflect on them as they are vouching for you.
Make the Intro
If you’ve passed the first litmus test then you may proceed to the next step, which is making the introduction. A couple of ground rules before we continue though:
The following is a list of ways to make an introduction in order of preference starting with the most preferable.
Email Intro Template (CC both parties):
(Connections Name),
Hello, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to make a quick introduction to a business acquaintance of mine, Philip Pelto. Philip runs a B2B networking company called Firestorm®. Here's a link to his LinkedIn profile. https://www.linkedin.com/in/philippelto I'm not sure if the two of you could ever do any business together but you are both great people and I thought the two of you should know each other.
Hey, great to see you last week at the Firestorm event. I wanted to introduce you to (Connections Name). (Name) is in the (______________) business and is doing some great things! Here is a link to (his/her) LinkedIn profile. (Insert link to LinkedIn Profile) As I mentioned above, I'm not sure if you guys could ever do any business but you should definitely know one another.
I'll let the two of you take it from here. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great rest of the week!
Person 1 Contact Info
Person 2 Contact Info
(Insert Email Signature)
Some Tips if you are the Recipient:
If you are looking to ask someone for an introduction to one of their contacts, and you would like to ensure that they do a good job of making the introduction then here are a couple of ideas for you.
Closing Thoughts:
Hopefully you find these tips helpful in making and asking for introductions. As the title mentions, this is an art and as such it is a constantly evolving process. With new technology and ways to connect there will always be new things to consider. However, I still believe that the in-person relationship building practices and in-person introductions will remain the most effective and powerful ways to grow your business. I’d love to hear your thoughts, your challenges and your successes in the comments below!! Cheers!
Philip Pelto is Chief Connection Officer of MyFirestorm, LLC a business to business networking organization. Firestorm® promotes business relationship building by organizing peer meetings, educational and social events. You can find more info on Firestorm® here: http://myfirestorm.com
We are a high quality B2B networking organization dedicated to helping you identify your ideal strategic partners and facilitate the relationship building process.